21 October 2008


I am finally over jetlag (i think!) and am ready to post some photos of my adventures. Im not going to worry about posting too many photos because the internet is great in the fact that you can easily type in a new web address if you get bored looking at the webpage you are currently on. =)

My first adventure was arriving at Frankfurt Airport and taking a train to Kassel. Helga is my grandma's first cousin and Klaus is her husband. I had been there two other times visiting so Helga is basically my German Grandma. She has a daughter, Annetta, and her husband Yorgin. Annetta has two kids-Fabian who is 13 and Marina who is 18. Marina was in Berlin when I was visiting so I only got to visit with the rest.

Naumberg is a little village with not a lot happening in it. There isn't even police! The trees and scenery are beautiful though! My great-grandfather was born in this village.

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