27 July 2008

Fiesta Seaside Style

Yesterday Hannah and I crashed a Fiesta in Seaside. My little girls invited me to go, so we were just going to stop by, say hi and leave. Instead we were coaxed into spending over an hour at the party. We left when we starting getting requests to dance. It was a little boy's first birthday party. There was a woman behind a grill making Asada tacos sprinkled with lime, cilantro and onions. Hannah and I were the only white people there. There was a bouncehouse for the kids, Pinatas and this interesting balloon game. It was quite an experience. It was fun to get a first-hand look at another culture. One picture is of a balloon game played like a Pinata, only candy doesn't come out...only balloons. The other photo is of the little baby who for some crazy reason loves me so much--so of course I love him back.

After we experienced Mexican life, we then traveled to Pacific Grove where we watched the Feast of Lantern celebration with a play and fireworks. We are so multi-cultural.

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