Yesterday I drove down to Los Osos again to visit my sisters and my dad and grandma (Mommers).
Mommers decided that because it was my dad's birthday we needed to go out for a nice meal. She also decided that because my sister's boyfriend had never met Mommers that he needed to come too. What Mommers wants Mommers gets. There is NEVER arguing with Mommers.
Well....Ellen's boyfriend, surprisingly, didn't know this about Mommers. We went to a fancy place for dinner and boyfriend slipped the credit card to the waitress before the meal started. When it was time to pay for the bill there was a huge commotion of fighting for the bill and after an embarrasing 3 minutes of going back and forth, Mommers finally figured out boyfriend paid. This was not Mommer's plan, especially when boyfriend was invited out. Poor kid...He'll learn next time.
On a completely different subject, I was driving back up to Monterey and I saw 4 different rainbows, if you can believe it. I love rainbows because they remind me of the promises God has for us. I have a feeling God is wanting me to remember one He told me awhile back...that I just can't understand.
Anyway. So. Monday is tomorrow and I have a full 5 days in front of me. I'll be teaching the kids how to tell time to the hour, half-hour and quarter in math and the long a sound through 'ai' and 'ay' with words like rain or pay in Language Arts. Hopefully we'll get to some science. In writing we're working on great leads for our narratives and in ELD I'll be teaching the kids how to use before, after and when in sentences along with how to use er and est properly like (good, better best or bad, worse, worst). Prayerfully it won't be raining so we will actually be able to go outside for PE, otherwise Denise Richards has a kids workout DVD that I pop in, move the desks and let the kids sweat out their crazies a bit.
Gosh reading that, my job sounds so easy! I wish it would be as smooth and easy as it sounds above.
I need prayer to make it through until the end with these kids. I do love them so much. They are all so special and awesome but they are S---T---R---E---T---C---H---I---N---G me in every way, which is probably a good thing huh?
There's about 6 who aren't reading yet but NEED to be, so that's my goal to somehow break through whatever is going on in their little brains and make them remember the letter sounds and to teach them to blend words.
Well with all that said, I am going to try and get ready for bed but I am having this strong desire to move my furniture around in my room.....
Happy New Week!
Cool Christmas Gift...
11 years ago