08 November 2008

It's Official.

I am an adult. Today was my 26th birthday. My two things I love most in life are church things and travel things-and they both say I'm too old.

1. As of today I am 'too old' to attend the young adult fellowship at church.

2. STA travel, Rail Europe, Student Universe (just to name a few) all say that 26 is not youth anymore and so I do not qualify for youth rail passes, student fares, etc.

Bummer. Thankfully though I am still blessed and thankful for the life my maker has chosen for me-the adventures I have been able to have and the adventures yet to happen.

Here's to year 26.


Laurie Bliss said...

Yes, but you are still young and beautiful. These doors may have closed, but new ones will open. You are just in a new season of your life and it is all good. Just continue to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I can honestly say that each decade of my life has been significantly better than the last. Praise God for that!

Love ya,

Morgan said...

Happy Birthday ♥