12 March 2009

I heart Chris.

I have so much to share, but I feel like there has been one thing after another, but if I wait too much longer I might forget all my fun details!

I'll start with last Thursday. I went to a Chris Tomlin concert and it was amazing! If you don't know who Chris is...you are missing out. He has written many of the songs people sing in churches these days and is soo stinkin' talented. He's also 36 and single. hehe.

The ride was so beautiful with a double rainbow and a few other single but FULL rainbows.

The most memorable part of this adventure was after we had stopped at In & Out where I got a large Ice Tea but before we got to the concert where we got stuck in some major traffic around SJSU where there were no McDonald's or Gas Stations but just residential homes.

I had to pee SO bad. I am NOT one of those people on road trips that has to go every mile and I am usually quite good at holding it, but that night was a different story. I had to take off my seatbelt, poor out the rest of the ice tea in the street so I wouldn't have to look at any liquid, but that still did not do me any justice.

My dear friends Mike and Eliza were with me along with two other friends. We had been stuck in traffic, barely moving past residential home after residential home. I got Eliza to come with me, we jumped out of that car as fast as we could and we were on a mission to find a bathroom. Too bad for me, like I said earlier...there were NO bathrooms around....

So after about two minutes of walking, Eliza and I found ourselves knocking on the door of a stranger's home asking to use the bathroom. Now I know this is not the safest thing to do, but there was really no other choice.
It was a really sweet family that barely spoke any english, but they were so gracious to me. I wanted to take a picture for my blog, but I think they really would had been freaked out. So I thanked them with a two dollar tip and ran out the door. Right as we were walking out of the door our ride pulled up along with the other traffic in front of the house....so we hopped back in and got to the concert together.

Chris put on a GREAT show. Words can't describe! He had put his Jesus Messiah words on the screen--here's a picture from a clip of it.

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