04 February 2009


Yesterday morning Denny's was giving away free Grand Slams, so Sara and I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn to hang out with eachother and get some grub before work. I looked it up after I got to work and it was a whopping 800 calories with 50 grams of fat. Sick.

Sara and I drove in our own cars so we could leave straightaway to work after. I parked, walked quickly to put our name down because thousands of people were also taking advantage of FREE.
As I was waiting to put our name down there was this cute old man in front of me, and he wrote his name on the sheet but then asked what to put in the column with a number. I told him to write how many people were with him. He wrote "1" so I feel a little sad for him. Was he homeless? Was he without money? My first thought wast to invite him to eat with us.

So I signed in for two, and then sat down next to the old man. He was cute. I guess I have a thing for older men. ha. He had a British accent and was full of stories that kept me laughing the entire time. He knew where Walla Walla is as he has family in Pasco. He has a british/texas girlfriend he met at the senior center.

Someone once told me that I never have met a stranger. I kinda like that idea.


jenn said...

I wish we had a Denny's here!

Morgan said...

That's so neat! I've also joined a stranger for a meal, never forgot about that meal either. I love the little things ♥