21 September 2008

The Glorious Single Life!

I first need to say happy birthday to my mother!! She is 16 today (and I'm dyslexic). :-) Happy Birthday to you! Also to my beautiful grandma who turned 88 on Friday! Go Grandma Go!

Soo.....This was my first weekend in ages that I really had no plans and didn't make any! It seems that my Friday evenings are the only evenings of the week that I am asleep before 9pm. The life of a teacher...

Yesterday I did nothing. Wait--I straightened my hair to see what it looked like since Stacey cut it last weekend. I took a few naps, worked out. A friend came over in the evening and we hung out, watched a movie and caught up on life stuff. But basically nothing.

This morning I watched some football, did laundry and made it to church on time! Came home, napped and went to my dear friends Mike and Eliza's house for dinner and fellowship. I was originally planning on driving up to the Bay Area, but I'm so blessed it was cancelled! Eliza was an amazing chef as normal. I got to see them both for a bit. Poor Mike though has tests all week so while he was studying Eliza and I were suppose to play Wii boxing but we drank coffee and got a chance to just hang out...which is why I'm probably up now--I rarely drink coffee!

I never did mention it but last weekend I babysat and played guitar hero on Wii and it was so fun! Everyone talks about it, but I had never played! I was so tempted to go and buy a Wii just to play guitar hero.

I'm counting down the days until Fall Break! I'll be attending the New Kids on the Block concert!! I can't wait until I get to see Joey Macintyre. Oh how I loved him! I also loved Danny although I remember thinking he looked like a monkey! ha! Then the next day I'll be flying out to Germany and then onto London. Only a few more weeks until I get to ride the 111 to Priory Road and visit my Twickenham family--and see my Charlotte!.

The Glorious Single life!

Ok I need sleep! I'm getting another student tomorrow and I need all the rest I can get!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlotte is now very excited about your visit (I only told her about it today!) She's done you a picture already and wants you to come help in her class again ;-) See you soon x Jenny