27 March 2012

It’s been awhile!

But thankfully I’m not the only one…I was looking at all the people’s blogs on the right side of mine….and many haven’t been updated in weeks, months and even years! (I don’t feel so bad.)

I’m enjoying Spring Break right now…I sure can’t wait for summer! I love my job so much and love my babies. I even miss my babies a little bit, but I do love my vacation equally!

My roommate is getting married on Saturday so I’ve sat in front of this computer for the last couple hours making a song list to be played after the wedding at the church and before the reception. Hopefully I picked some great songs!

I also got to SKYPE with England this morning and that was quite a highlight for me. I love the Wilshers and it was fun to see the girls on the computer.

I also went to Janet’s and dropped off some baby boy clothes! Samuel Judah will be coming April 24th (or so she hopes) and I was able to find some cute boy clothes.

I am off soon enough here to send my other gf who’s having a boy around the same time some boy clothes. I found a great consignment store that resells baby clothes. I got some great deals and lots of clothes with the tags on them still!

Ok all updated for now! Smile Ooh pictures! <3 that one didn’t turn to a heart! oh well!!

14 January 2012

49ers won!!

Wooot Woooot!!!! We took care of the Saints!

24 February 2011

I can’t get enough of this song!

"You are My Hope"

In Your Presence Here I bow, I am aching for you now

To touch you with Your love somehow, You are my hope.

And when my hands have gotten weak, from the empty things I seek

As I crumble here, You Speak, You are my Hope

And God most high, come and be near me now.

And Draw me nigh to your heart.

God of Life, fill me with your presence now

(Where I am humble, Where I am free)

When I'm hurting for a friend, I see the marks upon your skin

And they tell me once again, You are my hope.

Closer than a brother stays, the one who holds me in His grace

Forever, Yesterday, Today, You are my hope

Who have I have in heaven but you?

And beside thee I desire, nothing on earth.

12 September 2010


Wanted and hoped to sleep in this morning….sleeping in for me is anywhere between 9 and 11am. I woke up at 7.30am! Boo.

So i spent it wisely, getting stuff done and having an extra long time with Jesus. I’m reading Deuteronomy.

The first half of the book just spoke and spoke and spoke to me in all new ways, I just loved every second. This morning i got into all the crazy laws and stuff, and all I have to say is that I’m happy we’re not under that law and there is grace when we do screw up.

I loved this morning’s message. Pastor Nate is so gifted in his ability to teach. I loved learning more about the thief on the cross that had too much pride. Never heard anyone talk about the guy on the cross next to Jesus who couldn’t humble himself enough to recognize that Jesus is God.

Makes me think about how some people wait to give their lives to the Lord. Lots of times trials bring repentance for people, but in some cases, trials can bring a more hardness of heart. Don’t wait for something to happen, give your life to the Lord today. What do you have to lose? Compare that to what you have to gain!

This week is a busy week with conferences and a full five days again of teaching. Also, a wedding to attend and then going to Grandma’s 90th birthday!

09 September 2010


Im at a PBIS training right now. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Something Something. I’m the King Coach for PBIS.

I have a sub in my class and its a half day, but I get to be here a full day. Conferences are in full swing too. I scheduled one at 2:45 so I’d have to leave early….darn it….

Getting a bunch of teachers together is always a fun eventful time. Some teachers continue to be loving, caring wonderful teachers that are always that way, then you also get the cranky, “I’m too good for this” type of teacher who cannot stand the activities and conversations we are doing and having, even though they basically volunteered to be here.


My principal was suppose to be here, but unfortunately my school was broken into for the 3rd time this last weekend. My poor principal’s laptop was stolen again. The cops called her right away this morning and thought they found the laptop, but she needed to go and identify it. Its too bad that someone would steal from an elementary school, especially one with poor students and poor teachers within a state that already has NO money that is given out to schools!!

Hopefully it was her laptop!!!

06 September 2010


I bought my ticket to the UK last week. Super stoked to be heading out to my favorite place for a week. Everything about it just makes me smile!! :-)  And with all the flights and jetlaggedness I will be sleeping a lot—so even though its such a long way to go….I will be able to rest on my week off quite a bit.

I told my students that I would be going to England over our Fall Break. Their first thing they said was…"You’re leaving us? Who will come and be with us if you aren’t here!” I love my students!

07 August 2010

jeremiah 33:3

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

just thinkin'

just thinking about how God answers prayers.

Sometimes you pray for something with a very specific outcome in mind. You can pray and pray and pray for that specific outcome but it never comes.

I've been quite guilty of this and recently I've just been taking a step back and God has been every so gently showing me how HE has answered my prayers, just in completely different ways than the desired outcome I thought I desired. God has fulfilled desires and needs in my life, only in His way, not mine.

Isn't it funny that we (and we think we're so smart and know exactly what we need) ask God (creator of the universe, knows how many hairs are on our head, can see the entire picture) for something and then complain when its not answered the way we want it!

goodness!! Another example of why God calls us sheep. I'm so thankful God hears my prayers, answers them, and gives me so much better than I ever would have known to ask for.

Sometimes you just have to take a step back to see it all.

On another note, I went to see the David Crowder Band on Thursday night. I have a new favorite song called Shadow.

"When shadows fall on us....we will not fear...we will remember......when all seems lost, when we're thrown and we're tossed...We remember the cost....We rest in Him....the shadow of the cross."

25 July 2010

a cuppa

I had afternoon tea today at the Cypress Inn in Carmel. Doris Day's hotel, a very dog friendly place to visit.

We went there to celebrate Janet's "Baby #2" aka Isabel Grace. I was able to get caught up on all the exciting news with the girls. Nobody remembered their camera, except the guest of honor, so hopefully soon I'll get some photos of today!

Congrats Jaime and Janet!

21 July 2010

another summer day

Another Summer day at 51 degrees in Monterey. It has been so cold here! I am loving my summer more than ever before, and I am fully taking advantage of the fact that I am on vacation. Resting, reading, hanging out with friends. I can’t get enough!

My friend left last Thursday and I dropped her off at the airport and then continued to drive down to LA and then to San Bernadino County. I was able to meet with my dear friend Aaron for some lunch, catch up—and then continue on down to Rancho Cucamunga. My friend Hannah who lived with me a few summers ago came out with her family for a 3 day layover to visit Aunt Martha and Uncle Jeff. I had visited Aunt Martha and Uncle Jeff in Las Vegas, so when they invited me down, I had to go! It was a really fun time---swimming, hanging out and of course catching up! I hadn’t seen Hannah’s mom, dad or sisters since her little sister, Jess’s wedding 3 years ago!

From there I drove up to Costa Mesa and got to meet Gracie Moo. What a beautiful lovely little girl! Jaime had motherhood completely under control too! Congrats David and Jaime!

So now, after driving down to hot weather and then back up to cold, my sinuses didn’t really like that too much. I am fighting another sinus infection, but this time I am not going to do the antibiotic route! Should be slower but as long as its gone by the first day of school, I’ll be alright!